Monday, September 15

Colourful socks and lingerie

Many of you may have noticed, when i'm taking my shoes of, maybe even from peeking through the gap between the end of my jeans and my shoes, or whenever. my socks are never the same colour.... NEVER!!

You know how girls, or more accurately, women who wear lingerie or sexy underwear when they plan to look extra good in their underwear for someone special?
(probably won't apply to my 'young' readers but u know what i mean right?)

My mismatching socks are kinda like that! Everyone keeps asking what's the point of wearing colourful socks if no one's gonna see them? the socks are a fashion statement that only some can see.

So if you've seen my colourful socks, u know you're special ;)

What a weird and random post! but who cares! i was bored in Heathrow while i was on the way back to Aberdeen! u have no idea the other places my mind wondered for the 8 hours i was in Heathrow...

the latest addition to my colourful socks, i just had to have at least one pair of toe socks!
took this pic just before typing this all out, and my leg cramped up.. i fell to the floor screaming!
the things i do to blog....

1 comment:

lydia said...

i love your funky socks!!!!
but... ><
never noticed it before. ><
but i'll make sure to notice it from now on.
my cuz has this one that says how are you in neon green on one foot, and the other foot in bright yellow, i'm fine, or in another color, not so good