Wednesday, September 10

bye bye my (KL) friends!!

about a full day from now i'll be in KLIA, waiting for my flight to get out of boring ol' Malaysia. Don't get me wrong, i loved my 3 months back here, but i think i've had enough of lazing around. there's just soo much unproductiveness a person can take. come to think of it, i guess i did deserve the 3 months of doing nothing, i did work hard for the 9 months before that. back to working hard for 9 months! even if i do come back next summer, i think it'll just be for at most a month. and for that month... i will be partying hard =P

anyway, about my summer back here. was seriously a blast! can't imagine it being any better.. i did feel that i have drifted away from people who i used to think i was close to, i also feel that i have also gotten closer to some, and even met new friends this summer. Thank you all for making this summer a memorable one.

thank you..
Aziq for the countless bills u took care of, being free practically whenever i was bored, letting me drive your car, showing my friends a good time, be that clubbing or karaokeing, and dude take care of yourself while i'm gone

Sara for being like an older sister to me, although technically i'm older =P i really took all the advice u gave me to heart. thank you for all the hilarious and random conversations that we have in my car while driving around aimlessly around Damansara. don't ever let people tell u to shut up, cause i love your talkativeness ;)

Ching Mun for being so irritating and irritable at the same time, i don't know anyone else who is as fun to irritate as you. we spend way too much time competing in these pointless online games, but it was a great way to waste several hours of our lives each day! (give me back my hours i wasted on bowling buddy with you!!). for coming out almost everytime i invited u out, although i bet u got bored of me by now =P

Li Hong for still being that sweet and clumsy girl i knew from the good old cempakan days. you still are the sweetest girl i know, and i hope u stay that way (Jie Xing, if you're reading this i'm saying it just as a friend, and i will get to you shortly).

Xin Ying for being soo fun! i know i didn't get to spend much time with u most of the summer since u were quite busy, but wow, everytime i go out with you i'd definitely have fun! the pool thing today was great ;)

Jie Xing for being the designated driver that karaoke night. wasn't sure how i'd get home safely if it wasnt for u. also for all the midnight mamak sessions we had. gave me more oppurtunities to enjoy malaysian food while i'm back. hahaha.. butt buddies!

Jean for still being a close friend of mine even if we barely talk anymore. it really was dissapointing that i couldnt chill with u as much this year.

Cheok and Leo for still calling me out evethough i almost could never make it to any of it.

Lydia for actually calling me every other week to go rock climbing, only to find out i couldnt make it. i really do wish i could go rock climbing with you. =(

Ka Mun for fueling my addiction to shisha.. sadly, i just cant enjoy shisha the same way without you =(

And if your name isn't mentioned here, don't worry, i still am grateful for making my summer what it was =)

Now that i think about it, the one thing that i think could've made my summer any better was if my 2 close friends were here in KL with me.. i didn't get to see them for over a year now and i really miss the both of you. I'm sorry i didn't call you while i was in KL, but i really did wish that the both of you were here. I miss you Poe (cow!) and Zoe (mgg!) i don't think i really showed it, but two of you are the 2 people i missed most here =( hope to see you girls sometime in the near future..

I'm ready to go back to the UK now...

soo long everyone!!! i'll miss u!!



munsies said...

AWEEEEE!! that all i am..
shisha addict?
have a good time in aberdeen...
and take care of yourself!
we'll have a blast next time we meet!

lydia said...

awww so honoured and touched. :P