Tuesday, March 1

Don't tell him/her I told you this but....

Don't you just hate it when someone tells you to not tell anyone else a secret they told you? It's like they think if they say that they're getting rid or at least lessening the responsibility of keeping a secret. It's a pretty hypocritical statement if you ask me.

Let's say this completely made up situation where Andy tells a secret about himself to Beth and later on Beth lets Cathy know of Andy's major secret! Oh, and of course Beth says, "Don't tell him I told u this, but.. ". Saying that is not in any way making things look better for yourself. Most of the time this secret is going to be spread to someone else and is somehow going to come back to Andy and Beth will have some explaining to do.

Now, if i stop here, this would probably be a pointless rant on how annoying some secrets can be, so, of course there's more to the story!

What really annoys me is that when a Beth asks a Cathy to help Andy with a problem he's having. Cathy however, cannot let Andy know that Beth told her Andy's little secret. Here Beth is only breaking Andy's trust but also putting all responsibility onto Cathy. So if Cathy screw's up, Beth has someone to blame. It just irritates me how some people can just give away another person's secrets like that. If Cathy was meant to know, I'm sure Andy would let Cathy know WITHOUT the help of Beth.

Names used in this post were completely made up and have no reference to actual people. Gender however is a completely different story, as we all know, (since Beth and Cathy were women) women are more likely to tell each other secrets anyway! ;p jokes! lol.

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